Flag raised for 15G/H despite Income exceeding the amount of exemption

CPC(TDS)  has observed from its records that Flag “B” (for 15G/H Forms) has been wrongly raised in the quarterly TDS Statements. CPC(TDS) has issued a letter to all deductors in this regard. The letter produced is given as under: Dear Deductor ( TAN XXXXXXXXXX ), CPC(TDS) feels glad to provide you with the new feature…

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No need to submit Provisional Receipt of original statement & Statement Statistics Report for furnishing e-TDS/TCS correction statement

With effect from June 1, 2014, Deductors/Collectors need not submit copy of Provisional Receipt of original statement and Statement Statistics Report (SSR) for furnishing e-TDS/TCS correction statement. Income Tax Department has revised the procedure for acceptance of e-TDS/TCS correction statements. The same is intimated vide Circular No: NSDL/TIN/2014/024 dated 28 May, 2014. The revised procedure…

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Deductees reported in TDS Statements with structurally Valid, but actually Invalid PANs

CPC(TDS) has observed from its records that many deductors have reported deductees with invalid PANs in the quarterly TDS statements. These PANs appear structurally valid but they are invalid. CPC(TDS) has issued a letter to all deductors in this regard. The letter produced is as follows: Dear Deductor ( TAN XXXXXXXXXX ), Centralized Processing Cell…

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