Difference between Late Payment & Late Deduction

The difference between late payment and late deduction:

Late payment: After the tax is deducted at source it has to be deposited into the government account by 7th of the next month (except March for which it is 30th April). If it is deposited later than the due date, late payment interest is charged. The rate of interest for late payment is 1.5% per month or part of a month of the delay.

Late deduction: If the tax is deducted later than the date on which it was deductible i.e. either at the time of giving credit or at the time of payment of the dues, whichever is earlier, late deduction interest is charged. The interest for late deduction is at the rate of 1% per month or part of a month of the delay.

Interest on Late Payment of TDS

TCS on sale of goods – Amendment from 1st October 2020


One thought on “Difference between Late Payment & Late Deduction

  1. Dear Sir/Madam,

    Very Good Calculation regarding TDS you have given and that is really understndable.

    With Warm Regards,

    Anil Vaity-

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