Details required for registration with TRACES for TDS Deductor & Tax Payer

The following details are required for registration with TRACES:

For Deductors


TAN of Deductor


1. Token Number of the regular statement corresponding to the Financial Year, Quarter and Form Type displayed on screen.

2. Challan details of one particular CIN which has been mapped to at least three deductee rows. If there is no such challan, please enter details of challan having maximum number of deductee rows.


1. PAN of Deductor
2. PAN of Authorised Person (person responsible for deduction of tax at source)
3. Date of Birth of Responsible Person as in PAN database
4. Designation of Responsible Person
5. Communication Address
6. Mobile Number
7. Email Id

For Tax Payers


1. PAN of Tax Payer
2. Date of Birth as on PAN Card
3. Name as in PAN database

i) Option 1-Details from Form 26AS or salary slip (in case of salaried persons). Provide TAN of deductor who has deducted TDS / TCS, month & year of deduction and amount of tax deducted.

ii) Option 2-Details of any tax paid by you. Provide Assessment Year for which payment was made by you, Challan Serial Number of the challan using which payment was made and amount as per the challan.


1. Communication Address
2. Mobile Number
3. Email Id

46 thoughts on “Details required for registration with TRACES for TDS Deductor & Tax Payer

  1. For NRI

    If you are accessing the TRACES website from outside India you might face issues to get the 26as or to register on TRACES.

    Hence best way is either to use VPN to access the website or ask some one from India to login and get the info for you.

    Hope this helps


  3. I too struggled a lot and it looks like I have made some progress here. Sharing it here for all.
    The TDS you paid needs to be processed by the IT department and that takes longer than 7-10 days. I found this after calling Traces helpdesk on landline 01204814600.
    Tip : Choose Hindi option to reach the adviser quickly.
    The adviser asked me to log onto my bank’s netbanking site and check Form 26AS. If the TDS paid reflects there then it means the TDS has been processed and you can go ahead and register on TRACES. TRACES does not recognize your payment until then. My bankers are HDFC so following are the steps to view 26AS using HDFC site.

    1. Log on to HDFC netbanking. In the left pane, under Enquire, choose View Credit Statements,
    Click continue
    2. Type the Captcha and continue
    3. In resulting window check the I agree box and Proceed
    4. Click on View Tax Credit (Form 26AS)…look for the URL within page
    5. Choose correct Assessment year, View as HTML
    6. The page will refresh
    7. Scroll down to “PART A2” and see if the TDA you paid reflects there. If it’s processed then it will show up here. If not wait for a few days and then check again. Once it shows here then you can go and register on Traces website. Until then Traces will not recognize the challan details.

    Hope this helps and reduces your frustration :)

  4. This query is regarding TDS on sale of property, I have filled form 26QB and made online payment.
    I am trying to register in Traces, I keep getting this frustrating email.

    Registration has not been processed due to incorrect verification data entered during registration request submission. Please raise another registration request with correct verification data.

    Ms. Dewangi Marthak
    Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax
    Centralized Processing Cell – TDS

    I am overseas now and it always logs me in to below website

    TDSCPC services for NRIs is available through . Kindly register and access TDSCPC NRI services through same.

    I have entered all correct details and dont know what is wrong.


  5. Use the option2 for registering and login into your bank from which u have paid the TDS amount. Go to E-tax and reprint challan and provide ur transaction dates and check u can view the details complelty about ur Challan number and BSR code etc. using that u can register Traces and after only u get confirmation of the activation, your login will work. once u login with ur username and password u can download the Form 16B.

  6. It is very simple. First make new payment of Rs 1 under PAN number to be registered on TRACES. Then wait for 3-4 days & then register on TRACES using option 2 by entering details of new challan. Hope it helps!

  7. Correction id/ request id doesn’t hold good while registering as a new user for Form 26QB. It is usually used by tax payers/ deductors rather existing users for downloading already uploaded documents or for correcting such documents.

    Only option available to register for Form 26QB/ 16B is option 2 and this option works only when Challan 280 i.e. tax payment challan is validated by the concerned authority. Validation may happen anytime within 7 days from the date of payment.

    Challan status can be viewed here:

  8. i am breaking my head for the last 15 days on Correction ID in Option 3, don’t know how to generate Form 16B despite having paid the tax. God help me.

  9. But I have filled online property tax and I do not have challan No for registering for TRACES for getting form 16B. Only I have is bank ref no. How can I fill second option ie challan No. Is there any way to detect it??????

    1. You can get the challan number if you login to your bank account (from where you made the payment), select Tax center and eTax challans (these are steps with ICICI bank). Then in the traces website you select option 2 to register a new account. This was confirmed by Traces helpdesk. Hope this helps.

  10. But I have filled online tax and I do not have challan No. Only I have is bank ref no. How can I fill second option ie challan No. Is there any way to detect it??????

    1. Yes, I was also struggling with same but here is the solution that worked. When we pay challan online then we have login to our bank’s net-banking and from there we need to navigate to challan details. In My case the bank was SBI so it was under e-tax and print challan details. In this challan you will find challan number which will help to register on TRACES vi option-2. It will work and once logged in you can submit form 26QB details in downloads section and within sometime Form-16 will be ready to download. Download this form 16. Initial password is Buyer’s DOB in DDMMYYYY and share this Form 16 with the seller.

  11. *****************************************

    Fill out option 2 and leave 1 and 3 blank. This will solve your problem as per Traces help line. Get details of option 2 from your challan provided by bank.


  12. If you have paid tax through online (26QB)and trying to generate certificate (Form 16 B), then select option 2. The challan number will be in the PDF that gets generated when you paid online.. If the challan number is only 4 digits , then add a 0 as first digit as the second option accepts only 5 digits as challan number.. Then “create of new account” will work fine.. After login , go and place a request for form 16b and it will come within 15 mins in “download” section.. The password f0r that form will be the date of birth in ddmmyyyy format.. Good luck for the new property :)

    1. Thanks a lot Mr. Bala. Government website doesn’t say anything about adding ‘0’. No proper instructions from these government junks.
      Your idea worked for me.

  13. called TDS helpline at 18001030344 and they say that option 3 is only for those who requested correction for PAN of buyer or seller.

    For registering use only option2 if you want to download 16B but only after 3-4 days waiting period from date of challan paid for 26QB form.

    It is high time that tds folks update these instructions on the registereation page itself so that there is no chaos.

  14. the challan generated after submission of payment to the bank has cahllan number of 4 digits only while submitting it for TDS on property but what is asked is of 5 digits .can any one help me .
    Also in option 3 what is correction id

  15. Could not able to register as Tax payer. Neither option 2 with challan no as well. option 3 is asking Correction ID which is not known as well on how to get it. Can anyone guide?

  16. Many of above have requested you to inform about request id in option 3 but no answer is given. I have same problem. Pls tell us what has to be filled in the column of correction id/request id in option 3 of the traces under Register as New User in Taxpayer.

    1. Fill out option 2 and leave 1 and 3 blank. This will solve your problem as per Traces help line. Get details of option 2 from your challan provided by bank.

  17. while registering new user as tax payer in TRACES, it asks for request id in option 3. Where can i get request id?

  18. My TDS amount was Rs.10200.25 but Net Banking did not take .25 paise, so I sent only 10200. Will it cause a problem? I am asking because my TDS registration failed after multiple attempts. Not sure why. I tried Option 2. AY 2017-18, Challan number and amount.

    Any help is appreciated.

  19. while registering, it shows mandatory to fill PAN of authorized person. but sometimes it asks for PAN of deductor too. why is it so?

  20. what is the Correction Id/ Request Id value that needs to be entered? Please post if you have found the answer

    1. while registering new user as tax payer in TRACES, it asks for request id in option 3. Where can i get request id?
      I could not enter the challan no also in option 2 as the challan no displayed in acknowledgment for online payment is 280.

      1. For challan no. You can find the same in the TDS reciept. It will in the Bank details side which is right side of the paper.
        You can find, BSR Code, Tender Date & the Challan Serial No.

  21. I was trying to register for TRACES access, on the 4th step i am getting error message such as “system has enountered some techical problem. Please try after some time” I have repeated it several times and getting same error. Can you help?

  22. I am not able to register with TRACES, despite several attempts – I can’t figure out where I am going wrong. I choose Option 1 and enter the TAN of Deductor, Type of Deduction (TDS- Non Salary, the deductor is a bank), month and amount correctly chosen from the Form 16A received from the bank. Any help please?

  23. while registering new user as tax payer in TRACES, it asks for request id in option 3. Where can i get request id?

    1. I have the same question, what is the Correction Id/ Request Id value that needs to be entered? Please post if you have found the answer

      1. In case this helps anyone, finally used the Challan serial number from the bank payment receipt (receipt that comes after payment is made via Form 26QB for 1 % TDS deduction for property purchase) to register with traces website (this is Option 2)

        1. Hello Deepak, i have paid the challan through online. and i have recieved the challan Sr No as well, but when i cam trying to use option 2. it is saying invalid details, please enter correct details. Not sure what to do now

          1. i am facing same problem as you Amit. if your problem has solved so help me too please

          2. please help me too if your problem has solved. I am facing same problem as you were face.

  24. Dear Sir,

    I am not able to register on TDS tarces, the screen shot is pasted below
    After changing all the options on option 1, the screen shot is the same. I donot understand why this option is required. I donot understand as to why make it so complicated.

    You are requested to help please
    With Regards
    Goda srikantha
    07 Dec 2014

    Register as New User Step 1 —- Step 2 —- Step 3 —- Step 4
    Validation Details
    The details provided in Option 1 are not valid. Please enter valid details
    Please enter PAN details as per details from “Know Your Pan Link” on incometaxindiaefiling siteIn case you’ve deposited challan recently, please try registration after 3 working days from Date of Challan Deposit.

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